How To Be Another Woman

How To Be Another Woman
1980s New York. Anything is possible.

Creative Team

Director Natalie Abrahami
Design Samal Blak
Choreography Aline David
Lighting David Holmes
Sound Rich Walsh

Monday 19 July 2010


Meet at the rehearsal room, 171 Union Street. The play is 'How To Be An Other Woman'. The room is like a portal to 1980, New York City. Laden with matching bags, stiletto's, hats, trench coats and all of the hit records you could possibly remember from '80-'82 awaiting an airing on the sound system. It is a a fashion feast awaiting you to incarnate the world of Lorrie Moore's short story for the stage. The director and choreographer will guide you through the process and inform you that each morning will begin with a physical warm up to understand how the play will move, following that you will begin to explore the text and characters. After 5 weeks, 3 previews and having made all 44 scenes you will have a show.