How To Be Another Woman

How To Be Another Woman
1980s New York. Anything is possible.

Creative Team

Director Natalie Abrahami
Design Samal Blak
Choreography Aline David
Lighting David Holmes
Sound Rich Walsh

Tuesday 27 July 2010


Watch an advert for Revlon's Jontue perfume. Realise that advertising in the 1980's was all about fantasy and buying into a lifestyle. Wonder what would happen if you buy into a lifestyle now - will those high-waisted trousers make you a more serious fashionable person?

Watch the woman in the Jontue advert. She is beautiful, blonde and peaceful, she looks perfect riding on a horse through fields in bloom. The camera cuts to a man picking flowers in a forest, also on horseback. Who is he picking this flora for? 'Jontue for a more feminine you' says one of the most beautiful male American voiceovers you have ever heard, you even gasp at the sound of it.


Cut back to the woman on horseback, out of the forest and into the field gallops the man wearing a man with one too many buttons undone arriving to present the woman her flowers: 'Jontue, wear it and be wonderful' the Jontue slogan. (Note to self, look up price of Jontue on Amazon later that night whilst listening to your American vowel sounds CD) Think about packaging and slogans and how Charlene is controlled by these things within the story, how different is the fantasy and the reality. Explore this idea in the first few scenes of the play. In the text Charlene has advisors, women that tell her what is a good idea and a bad idea, are they really helping her or are they just selling her an empty dream?