How To Be Another Woman

How To Be Another Woman
1980s New York. Anything is possible.

Creative Team

Director Natalie Abrahami
Design Samal Blak
Choreography Aline David
Lighting David Holmes
Sound Rich Walsh

Thursday 22 July 2010


Engage your best improvisation skills.

Putting your shoes on the wrong feet
From listing facts and questions in each scene you know certain things about the characters in then piece. Fact: in scene 6 we learn that Charlene aged 6, thinks that the word 'mistress' means 'to put your shoes on the wrong feet'. The director will ask you to imagine you are Charlene aged 6, and with another member of the ensemble improvise the scenario that shows how Charlene came this understanding. You have 5 minutes to discuss this and then show your improvisation. Get creative with your fellow actor. Think about how Charlene first hears the word 'mistress'. Did she actually hear 'mis-dress' and come to her conclusion? Did she hear the word 'mistress' from her Mom? Think about Charlene's Mom. What is her name, how old is she? Did she have an affair? Is that why Charlene has an affair? What size feet does Charlene have, and is it the same size as her Mom's? 5 minutes is up, improvise the scene. Discuss what you learn from the improvisation, increase the list of facts you know about the world. Get under and into the characters skins.